Thursday, August 26, 2004
Fools Brought Another Knife To A Gunfight
Cleland Publicity Stunt Flops
NewsMax: Trying again to divert attention from his repeated refusal to leash his multimillion-dollar 527 attack dogs, Sen. John Kerry sent chum Max Cleland to Crawford, Texas, to hand President Bush a letter attacking Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. But the Georgia Democrat never made it past the Secret Service.
Cleland, who became a triple amputee in Vietnam when he picked up a live American grenade (and not in combat, as some media have reported), had a message from nine Senate Democrats who wrote that Bush had "a special duty" to condemn attacks on Kerry's military record.
Cleland, a former one-term senator from Georgia, claimed: "The question is where is George Bush's honor. The question is where is his shame to attack a fellow veteran who has distinguished himself in combat. Regardless of the political combat involved, it's disgraceful."
What's "disgraceful" is that the Democrats keep trying to pretend the president hasn't already denounced such attacks.
Too bad the president didn't give Cleland a message asking Kerry once more to stop his attacks.
Fools Brought Another Knife To A Gunfight!
NewsMax: Trying again to divert attention from his repeated refusal to leash his multimillion-dollar 527 attack dogs, Sen. John Kerry sent chum Max Cleland to Crawford, Texas, to hand President Bush a letter attacking Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. But the Georgia Democrat never made it past the Secret Service.
Cleland, who became a triple amputee in Vietnam when he picked up a live American grenade (and not in combat, as some media have reported), had a message from nine Senate Democrats who wrote that Bush had "a special duty" to condemn attacks on Kerry's military record.
Cleland, a former one-term senator from Georgia, claimed: "The question is where is George Bush's honor. The question is where is his shame to attack a fellow veteran who has distinguished himself in combat. Regardless of the political combat involved, it's disgraceful."
What's "disgraceful" is that the Democrats keep trying to pretend the president hasn't already denounced such attacks.
Too bad the president didn't give Cleland a message asking Kerry once more to stop his attacks.
Fools Brought Another Knife To A Gunfight!