Saturday, July 10, 2004


Watch New TV Ad - Mac Collins "Actions"

Congressman Mac Collins:

There are only 11 more days and counting until the July 20th Republican Primary!.

Attached is a new television ad I will begin airing drawing a firm line contrasting my 20 years of proven conservative public service with the moderate record of Isakson and the lack of experience of Cain.

The following is an excerpt from the ad:

"I am Mac Collins. I approved this message so you'll know there's a real difference between Mr. Isakson, the moderate; Mr. Cain's inexperience; and Mac Collins, the proven conservative."

It is important to send the right message at the right time.

The message is that I am the best man for the job. Voters in Georgia shouldn't have to hope that Mr. Isakson will occasionally vote in a way that reflects their values or that Mr. Cain will keep his promises.

Six years is a long time to gamble on someone who has never cast a vote on a piece of legislation. I am the only candidate in this race who can run on his record and not from it.

I have 12 years of votes, on record, in the House of Representatives that voters can look at. Voters can know I will represent their values, because "actions speak louder than words".

Watch New TV Ad - Mac Collins " Actions"

Dial Up: Windows Media (9.0) (Click Here)

Broadband: Windows Media (9.0) (Click Here)

For Mac Collins's Website: "iBackMac" (Click Here)

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