Tuesday, July 20, 2004


Isakson Spells “Doom”

Government Is Not God PAC (GING-PAC) Endorses Collins, Says: Isakson Spells “Doom”

GING-PAC, Government Is Not God Website (Click Here) released the following statement:

Virtually the only old fashioned "blue dog" conservative Democrat in the Senate, Zell Miller, is retiring. Georgia has trended Republican for some time, and two years ago social conservative Saxby Chambliss defeated a Democrat incumbent in the Senate race.

With Zell Miller’s seat now open, at first glance it would appear easy for a Republican to win. Unfortunately, Republican Congressman Johnny Isakson, who has consistently voted pro-abortion, entered the race early and as a result took the lead.

There are two social conservatives running in the primary. One is Herman Cain, a businessman who was the CEO of Godfather’s Pizza, and the other is an experienced legislator, Congressman Michael "Mac" Collins.

GING-PAC normally does not become involved in expensive primary races; however, a victory in the primary by Isakson would spell doom in November.

The pro-life movement is the heart of the Republican Party in Georgia. Should Isakson win the primary, social-conservatives will not work for or vote for him in the fall.

Not only would a Democrat win the seat, but lower voter turnout could endanger the vote count for George W. Bush in the state.

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