Thursday, July 15, 2004


Collins Determined To Win The Election

Savannah Morning News, Brandon Larrabee:

Staking the campaign on his experience and conservative voting record, Collins appears determined to win the election - one vote at a time, if necessary.

And there are signs, at least in Dallas, that such perseverance can help.

Stanley Ingram, seated at another table at Martin's, hadn't had a politician personally ask him for a vote in 20 years.

"I'll vote for (Collins) just for that," Ingram said.

Mac Collins: Please consider a few things before you cast your ballot:

I am the only bedrock conservative in this race. I am the only one who has a 100 percent voting record as well as endorsements from the National Right To Life and the Georgia Right To Life. If my opponent is so pro-life, then why have these organizations censured him?

I am the only candidate with an A rating from the National Rifle Association and the Gun Owners of America. If my opponent is so pro-gun, why do these groups only give him a "B-" ?

I am the only candidate to author and pass legislation that cut your taxes and created jobs. If my opponent is so pro-jobs, why has he voted repeatedly for trade policies that hurt Georgia workers?

I am the only conservative candidate with the experience and the voting record to prove that I will represent your values in the United States Senate.

And of course, whether you vote early or on July 20th, I would appreciate your vote!

Check out Mac's 2 television ads:

Mac Collins: "Actions" (Click Here)

Mac Collins: "Same Ol, Same Ol" (Click Here)

For Mac Collins's Website: "iBackMac" (Click Here)

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