Wednesday, June 30, 2004


Zell Miller, Kerry Is Another Joe Btfsplk

Paul Weyrich:

Senator Zell Miller, (D-GA) asked the audience if they remembered the comic strip “Li’l Abner”? Less than half did. He went on to explain that there was a character, Joe Btfsplk, who always had a rain cloud above his head.

No matter how sunny the rest of the strip was, Joe never escaped the rain cloud. That character in today’s politics, said Sen. Miller, is John Kerry.

Miller went on to recite all of the good economic news in today’s economy and then added, “Kerry’s talking about the Great Depression.”

It is true that politicians who take a glum view of the world don’t do as well as those who are positive and upbeat.

Bush, despite having weathered a recession, the effects of 9/11 and so on, is running mostly an upbeat positive campaign.

No President in recent times has had anything like the day-after-day negative coverage that Bush has experienced. It is unprecedented.

We hear now that even the Gallup poll says that a majority of Americans believe going into Iraq was a mistake. One can only speculate what the situation would be like if the media had not overblown every negative story possible.

Kerry says ... we have the worst economy since the Great Depression. In the Depression, as my father preached to me often, more than two in 10 Americans were unemployed. That is as opposed to 5.6 percent unemployment now.

The economy is growing at the fastest rate since 1984. The economy is creating jobs at a great rate but Kerry says they are minimum wage jobs.

Bush says half of the new jobs are above average in wages and benefits.

The leftist activists could care less about Senator Kerry. In fact, many just plain don’t like him. But they want Bush out so badly they will work feverishly to defeat him.

Zell Miller: "I don’t have any polls, but I think Bush will eventually prevail for two reasons.

First, when voters think about whom they really want to lead the country on the War on Terror, they will pick Bush. Bush is an outstanding leader and I’ve never seen Kerry offer leadership on anything in his twenty years in the Senate.

Second, Bush is a genuinely nice person. He is the sort of person you would like to have as your neighbor. He is friendly. He makes you feel comfortable.

Kerry is not a very nice person. He almost never smiles. He is arrogant. You wouldn’t want to live next door to him. Bush will win because he can relate to the average American voter and Kerry cannot.”

If Miller turns out to be correct, we will have to change the old adage “nice guys finish last.”

If Bush wins in part because he is a pleasant person, parents will be teaching their kids “Nice guys get elected President.”

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