Thursday, June 17, 2004


Miller, Chambliss Praise Senate

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Miller, Chambliss Praise Senate Confirmation of
William S. Duffey to Fill Northern District Judgeship

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) and Zell Miller (D-GA) proudly announce today’s U.S. Senate confirmation of Atlanta native William “Bill” S. Duffey of Atlanta to serve on the U. S. District Court in the Northern District of Georgia. The position became available once the Honorable J. Owen Forrester took senior status earlier this year.

Duffey currently serves as the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Georgia and is a former partner at the Atlanta-based law firm of King & Spalding.

“Bill Duffey will serve the people in the Northern District with honesty and integrity,” said Chambliss. “I am proud to have played a role in seeing that this important position was filled by an outstanding Georgian,” said Chambliss.

The Senate has confirmed an exceptionally qualified individual. Bill Duffey has served Georgia and this country so ably as U.S. Attorney and I know he will continue to serve us well on the U.S. District Court,” said Miller.

Earlier this year, Chambliss and Miller created a judicial screening panel to make recommendations on nominees to be forwarded to the White House in consideration for filling the vacancy. President Bush delivered Duffey’s nomination to the Senate on November 5, 2003.

Chambliss, who serves on the Senate Judiciary Committee, said it was an honor to help President Bush obtain confirmation for one of the president’s judicial nominees.

“This confirmation is great news and I hope my colleagues will continue confirming qualified judges as the Senate works through this legislative session,” said Chambliss.

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