Saturday, May 15, 2004


Mac Collins: Voting record speaks for itself

By David Burch-Marietta Daily Journal Staff Writer

"In his campaign for the U.S. Senate, U.S. Rep. Michael "Mac" Collins says his record in Washington speaks for itself."

"During the course of the campaign, Isakson has been painted largely as a moderate Republican while Collins and Cain have been deemed the more conservative candidates headed into the primaries."

"He (Isakson) and I have a voting record, and whoever wants to, can look at that record and make a decision who they want to support," Collins said Monday.

"Collins' positions include opposition to abortion except when the life of the mother is threatened; support for an overhaul to the federal tax system, including the establishment of a national sales tax and elimination of the death tax and support for tougher enforcement of existing trade agreements by the U.S. Customs Service and the U.S. Trade Representative's Office."

"He also introduced the American Competition Enhancement Act, aimed at lessening "government regulations that hurt businesses and cause them to either downsize their workforce or relocate overseas."

"Collins - who now touts himself as a conservative Republican and strong supporter of President Bush - began his political career as a Democrat, not uncommon during the days of one-party rule in Southern states like Georgia."

Collins said, "I had always voted Republican on the national ticket, but in Butts County, we didn't have enough Republicans to have a good meal together,"

"He was one of a number of members of Congress in Iraq when the president arrived to visit troops last Thanksgiving."

Look at Monday, April 05, 2004, CBlountBlog

Georgia Democrats have Johnny Isakson

Jeff Dickerson said:"Lots of folks say Democrats have no candidate in the Senate race. Wrong. They've got Johnny Isakson."

"Of course, Georgia voters don't know Denise Majette from Adam -- well, from Eve -- and they have no intention of giving her the nod over the likes of Johnny Isakson.... Doggonit, Denise! What were you thinking?"

Johnny Isakson is the Liberal Republican, running against Mac Collins for the U.S. Senate.

Isakson is not a "moderate"." He voted on opposite sides of most issues from Mac Collins and Saxby Chambliss.

Johnny Isakson voted on the same sides as Nancy Polosi and Dick Gephardt.

In a 1996 Senate race Guy Millner, said: "Isakson isn't conservative enough for Georgia."

Now, even Georgia Democrats think of Isakson as a Liberal Democrat.

Mac Collins's conservative philosophy won him a seat on the Ways and Means Committee, serving on the subcommittees for Social Security and Select Revenue Measures.

Mac is on the House permanent Select Committee on Intelligence; and serves as Deputy Majority Whip and Regional Representative to the GOP Steering Committee in the Republican leadership. Mac is serving his sixth term in the United States Congress. (Click Here) For his new website-

Johnny Isakson's voting record will also speak for itself.

Johnny, you are not a "moderate", when you vote on the same sides as Nancy Polosi and opposite sides of most issues from President Bush and Saxby Chambliss.

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