Friday, May 28, 2004


Is Johnny Isakson Giving Up?

Savannah Morning News, Larry Peterson: U.S. Rep. Johnny Isakson, also seeking the GOP nomination to the seat Democrat Zell Miller is giving up, has skipped most of the candidates' debates held so far.

Contrasting styles in Republican Senate race

Mainstays of the debate circuit, the Republican U.S. Senate candidates are staunch conservatives.

Mac Collins and Herman Cain have become the Republican Odd Couple of the U.S. Senate race.

Debate after debate, Collins, a middle Georgia congressman, and Cain, a McDonough businessman, have been the fixtures, usually without Isakson.

So it was Monday, when 200 people showed up to hear them at Skidaway Island Methodist Church.

Both are about as conservative as they can get.

They spoke out for free enterprise, against abortion, for President Bush's policies in Iraq, against federal involvement in education, for tax reform and against the "liberal media."

But there the similarity ends.

Cain wants to go to Washington to shake things up.

Collins says he's been shaping them up. And he wants to do it some more.

Collins said he's proud of the Republican revolution that began with the GOP takeover of the House in 1994 and led to tax cuts and welfare reform.

While Cain confidently speaks of the need for "bold leadership," Collins talks more humbly of serving constituents and "respecting their requests."

Their contrasting styles and leadership approaches could be worth watching.

"The proof is in the pudding," he (Collins) says. "There's a lot to government that you learn from experience. It's different from running a business.

You can't... replace experience with good sound bites. ... It's no time ... to send someone without the experience."

Collins, a high school graduate and long-time small businessman who likes to quip that he attended "UHK" or the "University of Hard Knocks," had a zinger of his own.

When asked how he'd like to serve in the Senate if Democratic candidate John Kerry is elected president, Collins grimaced, then quipped, "This is a house of worship."

After the laughter faded, he added. "We all have to pray that it doesn't happen."

For Mac Collins's Website: "iBackMac" (Click Here)

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Collins Endorsed by National Right to Life PAC

Georgia Right to Life PAC Censures Johnny Isakson for "Pro-Choice" Vote

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Another Conservative Endorsement for Mac Collins

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